This little museum is located within the Welland Canals Centre at Lock 3 and a must if you've come to see the locks. At the entrance, ask for the very interesting booklet titled ABC of the Seaway, free with donation. Using simple terms, it describes the functioning of the locks that the kids are about to see live. The museum itself includes various activities around the naval theme and several time-travel exhibits. The Lacrosse Hall of Fame comes with a shooting gallery, where kids can throw balls into a net. There are more hands-on pioneer artefacts to play with. We really enjoyed a captain's wheel with a moving landscape seen through portholes in the background. We could watch a 15-minute video presentation to learn more about the four remakes of the canal system. Since my last visit, they’ve added the most welcome Lock View Lounge on the second floor. It allows visitors to admire the boats in Lock 3 when the weather is not too great.