Attractions & things to do for the kids in your life

Multicultural outings

ARTS & CULTURE: Multicultural outings

The beauty of a large cosmopolitan city such as Toronto (and surroundings) is that you can take little trips into other cultures within shelling out for plane tickets. 

Brampton (6 - 12 years old)
Caribana Parade
Toronto (4 - 16 years old) FREE
Toronto (6 - 16 years old) FREE
Good Friday Procession in Little Italy
Toronto (6 - 12 years old) FREE
Kensington Market
Toronto (6 - 16 years old) FREE
Little India
Toronto (6 - 16 years old) FREE
Pacific Mall
Markham (6 - 16 years old) FREE
Portugal Day Parade
Toronto (2 - 16 years old) FREE
Six Nations Fair
Ohsweken (4 - 16 years old)
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Toronto (2 - 12 years old) FREE
Swaminarayan Mandir
Toronto (6 - 16 years old) FREE
Toronto French Book Fair
Toronto (4 - 12 years old) FREE
Yonge-Dundas Square
Toronto (2 - 16 years old) FREE

Other Multicultural outings, not visited yet but on our wish list

Definitely on my wish list!

Carassauga in Mississauga
Mississauga ( 6 - 16 years old)

Definitely on my wish list!

Diwali and Vaiskhi Celebration in Little India
Toronto ( 6 - 16 years old)

Definitely on my wish list!

Fergus Scottish Festival & Highland Games
Fergus ( 2 - 16 years old)

Buy the book Toronto Street Art Strolls

Nathalie's tips for a smooth outing

Avoid taking a child under the age recommended by the producers of a show. If they say the show is for kids 5 years and older, it’s because they know that toddlers will grow restless, and chances are you’ll have to leave the show before the end.
