A small playground greeted us by the parking lot at the end of the park's only road. We walked back onto the road to the first entrance in the woods, and soon reached a fork. We opted for the left trail where our kids ran wildly until they were slowed by a steep section with stairs made of running roots. The mature trees looked impressive, the sun could not reach through the thick canopy of leaves. We spotted many small toads. Soon, our little scouts were inspired by strange lean-tos made out of branches. Building our own became a family project for a good half hour. Then back on the trail, we soon reached a picnic shelter. From there, we headed right onto the first little road along the river and discovered a great picnic spot. While the trail is a bit confusing, there's no fear of getting lost! Simply stand still and the sounds of traffic on Islington Avenue will remind you this oasis sits in the middle of civilization.