In my quest for a great stroller-accessible park, my wheels took me to Scarborough where I found a great paved trail in two adjoining parks with enough leafy woods to make it very pleasurable on a fall outings: Thomson Park and Birkdale Park. I really enjoyed the intimate feel of Birkdale Park. it is narrow, with plenty of curves and small valleys. The views are so diverse that you never know what awaits you around the next bend: small river, pastoral valley, maple trees, or majestic weeping willows. We entered the park from its entrance on Ellesmere Road. After a 20-minute stroll, we got to a playground alongside Brimley Street. Last stop! Everyone off the wagon to move a bit! If you want to push it further, walk south on Brimley to cross over to Thomson Park. (You'll need to walk another 15 minutes to reach the playground in Thomson park.) Birkdale Park is a 15-min. walk from Midland Subway Station.