Heart Lake Conservation Area's sandy beach is wide. Beyond the area reserved for swimmers, paddle boats (you can rent) criss-cross the heart-shaped pond. Licensed fishermen can enjoy their sport looking for a few farmed trout, comfortably installed in the willows' shade. The valley's picnic sites bordering the parking lot closest to the beach don't give a view of the lake but they offer an inviting panorama. Large families like to gather there. In the summer, the air is filled with the appetizing smells of meat sizzling on the barbecues. Another parking lot, .5 km from the one by the lake, borders a lovely nature trail, past the Hill & Dale picnic lot. We strolled there for 30 minutes under the shade of 40-metre-high trees. Since our last visit, they've added the Wild Wetland Splash Pad by the Birchview picnic lot (look it up on the map they’ll give you at the admission)!