Caribana Parade 2017: Saturday, July 17th, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The parade begins at Exhibition Place, travels westbound along Lakeshore Blvd West and ends at Lakeshore and Parkside Drive.ÂÂ We watched the Caribana Parade at Dowling Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard (parking on the street near King Street and walking towards the lake). Arriving at around 1:30 p.m., we were right on time to see the parade coming to this point. When the first large float finally reached us (we could hear its loud music from blocks away!) everyone was consumed by an irresistible euphoria. The crowd joined the contagious lead of tireless street dancers. We were mesmerized by the explosion of colourful spandex, tulle, lace, sparkles, fringes and pompoms. Bring whistles for your kids to join the fun!ÂÂ (Caribana has to be officially called Caribbean Carnival since May 2011 due to an internal legal fight but it’s the same parade.)
Note that Budapest Park is a the foot of Parkside, just east of Sunnyside Beach & Park.