Royal Winter Fair 2017 going on from November 3-12
If you think the 93-year old Royal Winter Fair is all about livestock and show-jumping competitions, you're in for a surprise! Strolling around to watch pigs, goats, cattle and horses lined up for competitions is not particularly stimulating for younger children but don't worry, the Fair is about seeing animals in action, especially in the President's Choice Animal Theatre. We can always count on energetic Superdog shows and fun sheep herding (where a dynamic border collie rallies sheep). There's also: Rabbit Jumping (yep! you read right!), Jack RusselÂÂ races, Medieval Times display of skills. Some beloved traditions are not to be missed, such as the Vegetable Competition (your chance to see giantÂÂ veggies) and the Butter Sculpture Competition (done by art students). Throughout the Fair, there are also educational displays such as maple syrup making, honey production, egg grading and animal care. Expect cow or goat milking, and sheep shearing in the Educational Ring.
Note that NOT ALL the horse shows are paid shows. Look for the Royal Horse FREE performances in the large arena of the Ricoh Coliseum! Activities change every day. Check the schedule link on the top menu on the Royal Fair website's home page for the daily list.