Unfortunately, they don't produce maple syrup anymore! (I got a note from them in February 2015)
This is one of the places where you can expect to be able to eat taffy off the snow! They store snow in their freezer after a fresh fall. It was the end of maple season when we visited so we ate our taffy off a batch of snow in a plastic container! So what? It was as good as ever. Before reaching their 2,500-tree-maple forest, we walked by the farm's vast orchards. Our self-guided walk was as simple as can be but it explained well how the sap was collected from the green pipelines we saw emerging from the holes drilled into the maple trees. On the last weekend of the season, the sap wasn't running, neither was the tractor, but we still enjoyed the trail (and the pancakes in the Cider Café). And the maple taffy off the snow in itself was worth our outing. To play on the safe side, I recommend you call to make sure they still offer it when you're ready to visit.