Schedule / hours: 2017: Open Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM; Closed Sundays
Admission price: 2017: FREE admission
Address: 2700 Dufferin Street, Unit 30
TorontoPhone: 416-504-0280
Website: www.retailbag.comNearby restaurants: • A 5-minute walk from this retail store is a great sandwich and fries place open 24h! It's called Reggie's Old-Fashioned Sandwiches. Everything there is really yummy! The place itself is funky and unassuming. To get there, walk west on Adelaide, then south on Brant Street and west again on King (571 King Street West).
Age group: 10 - 16 years old
Attraction suitable for:
Think inside the box
Retail Bag Company is the best place I know to buy cute Chinese boxes, clear poly bags, rolls of cello wrap (perfect for raffle baskets at school fairs) and cellophane envelopes for cards (they're the best to present cards as a gift, decorated by your kids or with your best pictures). They carry bags and boxes in all shapes and sizes.They used to have a small downtown outlet but have moved to Dufferin, north of Eglinton. On their website, I've noticed paint cans (tu use as fun gift boxes) and rolls of tulle (perfect to decorate rooms).