The Toronto Clown Festival started as a festival with some shows for families and others for adults only. But early on they decided to cater only to adults. So, if you see advertising for this festival, remember. Those cute clowns lead a double life! In 2015 programming for example, there's one show where two pirates have been banished to the crow’s nest, tied up by their mad captain, and to remain there until they’ve learned to get along with one another. The twist is that the show’s subject matter is chosen by the audience prior to the show! There's another one inspired by reports stating that the top 1 % will control more wealth than the remaining 99% by 2016 and asking who are the culprits and why do they continue to get away with their despicable greed. A reverent asks life’s most important question: Are you prepared to meet your clown maker? Of another clown, it was said that she is "hideously wily, exquisitely wicked, elegantly perverse and profoundly awkward". Bottom line, viewer discretion is advised, if you know what I mean.