At Centennial Park, there's the designated tobogganing area (located near the parking lot accessible from Eglinton Avenue) and then there's the unofficial one where we read a sign, at the bottom of the hill, reading No hang-gliding or parasailing permitted . You get the picture. We went down that one. Once. When you, along with 50 other people, use this unofficial slope, you do so at your own risk. The hill offers a great panorama at the top, it is really steep and lasts a long stretch. On the official hill, the slope is not steep but it goes down forever (meaning parents will take forever to climb up the hill, kids in tow on their toboggan). It is lots of fun for the younger crowd with a good (pre-tested) toboggan. If you decide to try the steep hill with your older kids, make sure they really understand they have to get out of the way at the bottom of the slope. You don't want them to be hit by a full-speed teenager on a tube! (Of course, I can't be held responsible for introducing you to that slope, right!)