I have developped a great strategy over the years to get some time for myself: I've let the kids with their dad!
In order to make it easy on my husband, I'd select an activity for the family (a beach to visit, a park to explore, a fun event to attend) before taking off for the rest of the day. I knew the kids would enjoy themselves while I did something else, guilt-free and equally enjoyable.
Thanks to the wonderful mothers' group I've had from the start (and still see regularly to this day), we've nailed a very important notion early on: Fathers are NOT babysitting! They are caring for their children, the same way us mothers do. We've been on a crusade to nip this bad habit in the bud every time we'd hear a mom gratefully announce that her husband was "babysitting" the kids.
In this spirit, I think my three guides come very handy! Moms can get everyone out of the house by handing Toronto Fun Places to their family while going their separate way with their girlfriends, Toronto Urban Strolls in tow.
Meet me at the Word on the Street 2014 at Booth #209 (Sunday Sept. 21 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)! My books will be sold at wholesale price during this special event.