Attractions & things to do for the kids in your life

Tobogganing in Riverdale Park West (Toronto)

Family Tested
High energy

Perfect with different age groups

Riverdale Park is split in two on each side of the Don Valley Parkway. Riverdale Park West is just a little trail away from Riverdale Farm. When tobogganing with a group with different age groups, I prefer this side of Riverdale Park to the steep slope of Riverdale Park East, off Broadview. It is not as broad but part of it is equally fun and challenging and it includes shorter sections, much better for younger kids. There's also the advantage of a long staircase that makes it easier to climb up when the slope is icy.

The Riverdale Farm is a 5-minute walk from this slope. It is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and you will see farm animals in the barns.

Choose your spot!
The icier’ the further down you’ll get.
Staircase as a bonus...
What slides down has to climb back up.

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After years of doing all kinds of outings with my children, I can assure you the secret to a perfect outing lies in the details, not the destination.
