The Pumpkin Parade fever is catching on in Toronto!
Many communities have found a way to stretch Halloween fun by organizing a pumpkin parade. The concept is simple. On the evening of November 1st, everyone is invited to bring their sculpted pumpkin to the local park, where they are arranged in an interesting display and lit, for everyone to admire. It usually starts at dusk and lasts a couple of hours.
Apparently, it's the Pumpkin Parade taking place at Sorauren Park (east of Roncesvalles Street) which started it all, ten years ago. On their website, I read that "the Sorauren event has sparked similar events across Toronto, Montréal and this year in Upper Manhattan."
I attended the event this year. The evening was cold and windy, probably not the best conditions for the parade but I still counted at least 1,200 pumpkins! Under the lamp posts, there's too much light to appreciate the candle lights and the carvings but when you make shadow over the most ambitious ones, it totally changes their look.
I left the event at 8:30 p.m. and the ambiance wasn't winding down. You can probably expect action until 10 p.m.
5 TIPs to better enjoy Sorauren Pumpkin Parade
• You don't need to bring a pumpkin but if you do, bring your own candle and preferable a long gas lighter so you don't burn yourself lighting your jack-o'-lantern. While you're at it, be nice and light up your neighbours' candles if the wind has blown them off!
• Bring a small flashlight for the kids so they can admire the carvings on the pumpkins without a lit candle. It adds to the fun of the exploration.
• There's no washroom on the premises.
• You will easily find free street parking all around Sorauren Park if you arrive before 6:30 p.m.
• The Ideal Coffee (221 Sorauren) closes at 7 p.m. but a 5-minute walk down Geoffroy Avenue to Roncesvalle, you'll find Timothy's (327 Roncesvalles, one block north of Geoffroy) and Tim Hortons (175 Roncesvalles, four blocks south of Geoffrey).
About other Pumpkin Parades
Kew Gardens Park
Last week I had noticed this sign on the waterfront of The Beach. In the Friends of The Beach Parks' Facebook page, there were some photos from last year's Candlelit Pumpkin Parade, taking place near the picnic tables in Kew Gardens Park (they are nested in the middle of the park). I arrived at the event at 9:15 p.m., after my visit to Sorauren, and it was over. I saw some fifty pumpkins displayed on the tables, some still lit.
East Lynn Park
East Lynn Park's Pumpkin Parade was in its 5th year in 2014. I think its layout makes it the perfect spot for such an event. I arrived there at 9:30 p.m. and volunteers were already loading the pumpkins into a City bin for compost. It seems that there were approximately 100 pumpkins in their parade.
Trinity-Bellwoods Park
At Trinity-Bellwoods Park, they were at least in their second year of offering a Pumpkin Parade in 2014. Since the friends of this park are usually quite involve, I suspect it's a great place to enjoy this kind of event. And the path running across the park is perfect.
Wychwood Barns Park
I was there for their Boo! at the Barns last Saturday. I saw on their Facebook page that they also organize a Pumpkin Parade on November 1st.
Riverdale West Park
I just saw a sign in Cabbagetown, promoting their Cabbagetown Pumpkin Walk in Riverdale West Park. This park overviewing the Don Valley includes a paved path that is also very suitable for such a parade.