Now is a good time to prepare fun and easy Advent Calendars!
These, and more ideas, are all posted (with links to the original website with DIY instructions on my X for Xmas Pinterest board!
#1 Made out of Legos!
#2 One pre-wrapped book a day! (They don't have to be new! They can even be borrowed to your local library! The fun part isn't to own them, but to unwrap a new story every day until Christmas.
#3 Small envelops taped on the fridge, with a thought, a joke, an activity idea, a clue...
#4 A toilet paper roll tree hiding small animals, gadgets or candies...
#5 Paper cups elves hiding a treat!
#6 Little wrapped surprises hanging there (no need to put hooks, you can just tie a knot)
#7 Clothing pins, pinned around on a cardboard circle, with treat taped at the end
#8 DIY board you can reuse next year. Use a glue gun to stick clothe pins on a board, to pin little gifts
#9 More toilet paper rolls, this time in the shape of a little house
#10 Muffin pan... Start on Dec. 14 if you have one with 12 slots.